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Inside Tymber Dalton’s Crazy Brain…

by on April 7, 2014

Tymber’s Crazy Brain…

The brain…the brain. *sigh* A writer’s brain is a craaAAAAZZYYY thing. Literally.

No, seriously. It’s LITERALLY insane. Mine is, at least.

For example, I was all set to work on one of my other series books this month, when a chance, off-the-wall comment to a friend while I was bitching about the Facebook app for my iPad, and BAM!

Yes, just like on the cooking show.


“Here,” says my muse, “you don’t have enough rattling around in that already scattered noggin of yours. BAM!” (Except without any cool glitter or pixie dust or whatever.)

“NO!” I screamed. “I was JOKING!!! JO-KING. I do NOT need ANOTHER series right now!”

“Oh, too bad,” sayeth the muse. “You got one. Not going to make you let go of this one. You will write it.”

“I don’t want to write that right now! I’ve got other books to write!”

Muse: “Take it, take it, TAKE IT!!!”

Me: “Do I at least get lube?”

Muse: “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH…no. Bend over.”

Me: *sigh*

So, yes, now I’m working on ANOTHER series. A rollicking, hopefully funny post-apocalyptic ménage series that’s a mix of the A-Team, The Walking Dead (except not zombies) and Mad Max. With ménage.

Its focus is on the special military team called the Drunk Monkeys, who are actually pretty kick-ass dudes, and have to save the world in every book while getting laid and not, you know, dying. LOL I’m tentatively calling book 1 “Monkey Business,” and every title will have “Monkey” in it.

Meanwhile, my latest book in my Triple Trouble wolf-shifter series is now out, “Triple Cross.” It’s book 7 (technically the 10th book if you count all the prequels. LOL) And can be found at:

Tymber DaltonSeer and wolf shifter Elain Pardie-Lyall has a baby on the way. If that wasn’t enough to deal with, she’s got to conduct a little grave robbing, battle vengeful cockatrice…and then there’s the accidentally exploding moose. Just an average day in her crazy life. It’ll get a whole lot worse before it gets better as she uncovers a painful secret from her husband Ain’s past.
Ain is willing to let Elain do what she needs to in the course of her Seer duties. What he didn’t expect was a chance to atone for an old mistake. Fixing what was means sacrifices for one of their friends, and even more drastic changes for their future.
Now Elain has to figure out how to keep her secrets. Not just from her men, but from her family, friends, and allies. But with only the Devil to lean on, can she turn away from ancient patterns of vengeance and embrace a future of forgiveness?



Also, coming soon, “Lost Bird” (Coffeeshop Coven 2) on 5/2/2014, Tymber Dalton2

and “A Clean Sweep” (Suncoast Society 8) on (tentatively) 5/30/2014.



You can find me at:



Thanks, and Happy Reading!!


Thank you Tymber Dalton for visiting my blog with Triple Trouble 7 – Triple Cross! I can’t wait to see how your new Drunk Monkey’s series turns out! As always readers, Live, Laugh, and Love like today is your only chance!~Lori

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  1. @Tracey – Thanks!! 🙂

    @Rochelle – Yes, I’m definitely a little warped. LOL And I do other things like quilting and crochet. 🙂

  2. I love the premise of the Drunk Monkeys! Lol! Can’t wait!

  3. Rochelle permalink

    Lori I have found that most serious Artist are a wee bit nuts. I am a yarn artist and when I see something that inspires me ok matter how many other works I have I can’t help bit start it. Same way if I have a new design rattling around in my head. Looking forward to new series it sound hot.

    Rochelle Madrid A LITTLE Yarn @ Gracie Lane Live, Laugh, Love


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